Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some thoughts...

Below are a couple of quick creations just to see what they would look like...\
I think the next step will be to play with lighting a lot more to see what kind of effects/abstractions i can create. Also I need to think more about background, what is in it and how it enhances the abstraction/transformation.
Maritus Escher:
M.Escher was a Dutch graphic artist who was inspired by the mathematical world, optical illusions, impossible constructions, infinity, architecture and tessellations.
He is most famous for his early works such as his 'Drawing Hands' (1948) and 'Relativity'(1953) which feature both his intrests in optical illusions and impossible constructions.
Though the work of his that im interested in is his tessellation works which are basically patterns of which the negative space left behind form a new object (usually animals) which are often the same as the original object. His most famous would have to be 'Sky and Water I' (1938) which features detailed fish of which the negative of it forms a goose in the end through a gradation in detail and use of black and white.

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