Saturday, July 31, 2010

Series # 1

This is the first series that explain the narrative of the way the animals went through the quarantine station...... style="font-family:arial;">

I like how it explains the narrative, how the tonal pallete is in the same range and also how it gets prograssively darker as the animal meets it's doom in the furnace.

Larger images and notation on individual images can be seen on my flickr account in the link to the right.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Best Of ...

Below are the best images from the Matiu/Somes island quarantine station shoot...

Notation and better quality photos can be found on my flickr account, link is on the right.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Research time.....

I really wanted to find some photography of abandoned areas. After an exhaustive search I found a decent photographer by the name of Alexander Vikulov, a Russian photographer who in this case photographed the areas surrounding Chernobyl, Russia.

Through this series he captures the essence of the space without altering what he sees he does not darken the photographs to create the feel but let the photograph portray itself create its own links with the viewer.

Below are a few of my favourite shots from this series......

A Change Of Scenery

OK seems that Wellington city public bathrooms are quite well maintained... so i think a little change in scenery is in order.

Recently I visited Matiu/Somes island for one of my landscape papers and was really moved by one of the buildings there. Somes used to be a quarantine station for humans then animals before they were allowed into Wellington city. The building mentioned previously was a state of the art animal quarantine, which ended in in the mid 80's, although it has been cleaned everything is still intact and in position from the hoses to the furnaces.

You instantly get that creepy feeling and feel like you know what went on there.
I think it is this that i want to convey through my project, just photographing it for what it is but still transmitting the feelings of what went on there.

Below are my contact sheets from that shoot...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Below are the best images from the second group shoot...

(above image shot at: 1/50 sec, f.11.0, ISO 200)

(above image shot at: 1/200 sec, f.3.5, ISO 200)

(above image shot at: 1/8 sec, f.22.0, ISO 200)

(above image shot at: 1/60 sec, f.3.5, ISO 200)

(above image shot at: 1/8 sec, f.14.0, ISO 200)

(above image shot at: 1/6 sec, f.8.0, ISO 80)

(above image shot at: 1/10 sec, f.8.0, ISO 80)

Second Tutorial Group Photos

Here are the contact sheets for the second tutorial, these were experiencing and figuring out; Appeture, Shutter speed, White balance and overall exposure.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Toilet Art-Fourm
My initial idea I thought of capturing toilet/bathroom graffiti as an anonomous fourm which allows users to display their thoughts. It is interesting to see that most of the content (in the male bathrooms) is related around sexual content more explictly...penises. Isin't it strange to think that the 'hot topic' of male bathrooms is about eachothers genitalia?
Stephen Bond wrote an article on toilet graffiti and compared it to an internet networking or broadcasting system such as Facebook saying that 'toilet graffiti in college was like a non-electronic version of Usenet (use net is like a news update site) someone would write something he thought amusing, someone else would flame him underneath.' you can view this article at

Below are some initial shoot images...

Mr. Rolly

Penis Poem

Suprise Slide Show

Sunday, July 18, 2010

First day of 144

Interesting trying to find line, tone, shape, form, pattern and angles in the Design and Architecture building. below are the contact sheets with some notations of what i think...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Photograph: 'Pissing Women'

This photograph by Sophy Ricket is intriguing to say the least. The title 'Pissing Women' is the perfect way of putting a testostoral flip to femininity.

This image challenges the 'moral codes' put foward to the female gender. The photographs framing to me suggested an 'in the moment' or 'quick snap' point of view as they are not perfectly framed but this accentuates the challenges this image portrays. Also it provides a well deserved LOL

Images may be a little small to see so i would highly recommend looking at this book.